From Genetics to Genomics


延續培育一流遺傳學者的願景,該所於1992年成立博士班,側重獨立研究能力的養成。為因應未來發展需要以基因體為基礎,從系統與整合角度研究生命現象, 2006年該所更名為「基因體科學研究所」,且為整合教學研究資源,連貫大學部與研究所課程等系所發展需求,與生命科學系整併為「生命科學系暨基因體科學研究所」,不但延續本校致力生命科學研究的精神,更讓教學與研究體系更加完備,打造優秀的生醫領導人才。


Genetics is an important part of life sciences and a permanent feature of NYMU. Colloquium was offered by Professor Kuang-Dong Wuu, a pioneer in medical genetics, back to the early years of this university, and graduate institute was established in 1988, the first and only one that focuses on human genetics. Following the foundation of a Ph.D. program in genetics, the institute transformed as a response to the a shifting paradigm in life science research from genetics to genomics. Renamed "Genome Science Institute", in 2006, the research institute further integrated with the faculty of life sciences to form the Department of Life Sciences and Institute of Genome Sciences. It not only continues the spirit of devotion to life science research but also strengthens higher education system which allows the university to cultivate leading talents in the biomedical field.

As the former Director the Graduate Institute of Genetics Chen-Kung Chou, once said, decoding genetic sequences is the starting point of life science research, not the end. With the collaboration with the Taipei Veterans General Hospital, National Health Research Institutes and Academia Sinica, NYMU is able to be a leader in the global effort in interpreting genomes as "The book of life". From decoding of chimpanzee chromosome 22 and Klebsiella pneumonia, to using transposon to find the key gene that causes brain development diseases, these developments have been repeatedly recognized by top international journals

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